Dear Wushu Friends and Family,

First, I want to let you know how much I appreciate your support for Wushu Central Martial Arts Academy. This is a difficult time, and as a small business, we rely on everybody’s monthly support to make sure that the instructors who contribute to you and your children’s growth can continue putting food on their tables. So from the bottom of my heart, and especially on behalf of all my coaches, THANK YOU for sticking by us. 

Please know that your coaches are working double-time right now as we prepare to provide online lessons to you in addition to teaching live classes. We will be launching tomorrow, so expect another email from me tomorrow afternoon. If you have not yet registered for Wushu Online University, please be sure to do so at

For Students Attending Live Classes:

As of today, we are allowed to remain open to serve our families. Please observe these current policies, which will be strictly enforced:

1) Total occupancy is currently capped at 35. We are limiting our class attendance to 15 students at a time for now. 

2) Students are required to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and at the end of each class. Instructors are doing the same.

3) Parents are encouraged to drop-off their children so that we can stay under the 35 people total capacity.

4) We are avoiding physical contact whenever possible. Instead of High-Fives, we are now using Wi-Fives. (That’s a wireless high-five!)

We Are Committed to You:

The situation is changing constantly. We are grateful that you choose to stand with us as a community and support us as we do our very best to serve you.


Kind Regards,

Sifu Chang