Guest article provided by Sheila Johnson at


If you’re building a side hustle, you have more than enough going on. And while an extra job is an excellent way to supplement your income, you can significantly lower your quality of life if you are not careful. After all, if all you do is work day in and day out, you will be hard-pressed to stay healthy and well.


Fortunately, there are some simple habits you can incorporate into your routine that will help you maintain self-care while starting and growing your side hustle. 


Take some things off your plate.  


Let’s start with the side hustle itself. With a full-time job, not to mention any other obligations, you probably have a limited amount of time each day for extra work. So, when you have the opportunity to work on your side hustle, it’s essential to make the most of your time.


Research the market for any tech tools that can help you get work done more efficiently. From marketing to accounting to communication, there is likely a software product that can save you time in virtually every area of your business.


Also, consider hiring people to handle the tasks for which you don’t have the expertise or time. You don’t want to be distracted from your ultimate vision by menial tasks that could be handled by another person. Whether it’s building a website, creating an email campaign, or scheduling appointments, look to a freelancer who can get the job done.


Form an LLC.            


If you are passionate about your side hustle, the day might come when you want to turn it into a business. If that day comes, you can improve your work-life balance by establishing an LLC. This will simplify your responsibilities as a business owner and require fewer administrative tasks and less paperwork to be completed.


When forming your LLC, be sure to fill out an application for your Employer Identification Number. This tax ID number is how the IRS will track your expenses and payroll taxes. When it’s time to pay state and federal taxes, having an EIN will make the entire process easier.


Find your rest.


You’re not going to be able to stay productive day in and day out without getting adequate sleep. Simply put, your mind and body must sleep in order to process the events of the day and recharge for the following day. 


Set a strict bedtime for yourself, and create a nighttime routine that helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. And while you’re at it, think of some fun activities you can do during the day to help you de-stress and relax.


Exercise every day. 


It can be hard to maintain a consistent fitness routine when you’re working from sunup to sundown. But if you want to improve your work habits and overall health, working out is non-negotiable. Make a list of physical activities that you don’t hate, whether it’s a recreational sport, running, swimming, cycling, weightlifting, HIIT, or anything else.


A terrific activity that’s ideal for staying in shape and building self-confidence is martial arts. Wushu Central Martial Arts Academy can help you stay active while you learn self-defense skills from expert instructors!


Watch what you eat.


Finally, try to eat a decent diet because it will help you to achieve more with your side hustle while prolonging your health and well-being. Base your meals and snacks around fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, lean proteins, whole grains, and other clean foods, and moderate your caffeine and sugar intake. You’ll feel the difference in no time.


Getting the most out of your side hustle requires you to practice self-care on a daily basis. Implementing the habits above will help you to maintain peak productivity and avoid burnout. And along the way, you’ll notice your all-around health and well-being improving exponentially!


Image via Unsplash